London Sports Physician

Appointments: 020 3488 9566 / 07788 787574 (PA- Aimee/ Vicki)

Educational Websites

These websites may be of interest to both patients and medical professionals.


LSP supplementary website

Comprehensive information for patients on common conditions and illnesses.


Your health, your choices


Practical tips to help you lead a healthy lifestyle!

Understanding your lab results


Previously ‘Arthritis Research UK’

Patient Information Leaflets on- Amitriptylline; Gabapentin; Pregabalin; Duloxetine; Nortriptylline; & more…..

The fight against anti-doping in sport!

ISEH is a partnership between the British Olympic Association, the English Institute of Sport, HCA International, UCL and University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It is one of 3 locations in the UK forming the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine (NCSEM), a major legacy project of the 2012 London Olympic Games.